solutions architect


AWS Solution Architect Associate

Amazon web services is called AWS and a certification or a position dealing with the beginner level in cloud technology is AWS Solution Architect Associate. This is intended for individuals who would like to perform a solution architect role and have experience of one or more years hands-on experience designing available, fault-tolerant, cost-efficient, and easy to scale on distributed systems of AWS.

Typically, this is a stage for beginners with no prior knowledge about cloud technology. AWS Solution Architect Associate exam is one of the most challenging exams. Furthermore, it is great at calculating how well we understand not only AWS, but also the best architectural diagrams decisions according to the situation. Also, this makes the certification very valuable to have and even to pass.

What we learn in this course is as follows:

  • The AWS Fundamentals: IAM, EC2, Load Balancing, Auto Scaling, EBS, EFS, Route 53, RDS, Elastic ache, S3, CloudFront
  • In-Depth Database comparison: RDS, Aurora, DynamoDB, Neptune, Elastic ache, Redshift, Elasticsearch, Athena
  • AWS Integration & Messaging: SQS, SNS, Kinesis
  • The AWS CLI: CLI setup, usage on EC2, best practices, SDK, advanced usage
  • Monitoring, Troubleshooting & Audit: AWS CloudWatch, CloudTrail
  • AWS Serverless: AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, API Gateway, Cognito
  • AWS Security best practices: KMS, SSM Parameter Store, IAM Policies
  • VPC & Networking in depth
  • AWS Other Services Overview: CICD (Code Commit, Code Build, Code Pipeline, Code Deploy), CloudFormation, ECS, Step Functions, SWF, EMR, Glue, OpsWorks, Elastic Transcoder, AWS Organizations, Workspaces, AppSync, Single Sign On (SSO)


Organisations are moving to the cloud technology as it costs less, flexible, easy to use, deploying product is in minutes and can scale in no time. Moreover, there is a huge demand and many jobs now available as this technology is making huge changes. Here is a start to get into this field of study for the upcoming future.

solutions architect


Data Warehouse Solution Architect

Data warehouse solution architect is responsible for designing data warehouse solutions and working with technologies of data warehouse to get a plan that supports a business or organisation with better output. Furthermore, clients needs are always given first importance or the employer goals and work to get a specific type of architectural process that will be maintained, developed to the necessity of the organisation. Most of the data warehouses use a common methodology called ETL- extract, transform and load. Basically, the data warehouse architect will maintain systems for handling raw data, meta data and other data assets secured and accessible within a greater IT infrastructure. Furthermore, these architectures will support activities like data mining and data processing that can add huge value. 

The Data warehousing Solution Architect course is meant for someone who wants to understand the fundamentals of DW and various architectural pieces around it and eventually become a part of the big data revolution. Also, this course gives understanding of the subject to beginner and would learn the following:

  • Business Challenge?
  • Need for Business Intelligence
  • Define Data warehouse
  • Industry Using Data warehousing
  • Typical BI environment
  • ODS, Data Marts
  • ETL
  • What’s the Buzz word
  • What are 4 V’s
  • Understand Big Data in BI terms
  • What is Hadoop
  • Hadoop in DW world
  • Example – Architecture
  • Types of NoSQL DB’s
  • Major BI Vendors
  • Facts, Dimensions, SCD
  • Surrogate Keys, Fact less-Fact
  • Ralph Kimball
  • Case Studies
  • Snow Flake
  • Bus Architecture
  • Sample Data Models
  • 3rd Normal Form
  • CIF Architecture
  • Sample Data Models
  • Teradata
  • Netezza
  • Exadata and so on.


With emerging technologies like the Internet of things (IOT) and big data analysis, the need for data warehousing is continuously increasing. Furthermore, this brings a need for data warehouse solution architect. Every second there is a huge amount of data being produced and is hard to store. Also, data warehousing plays a huge role in coming up years and should be given importance.